Camp NaNoWriMo

For those of you that did not have enough fun back in November with NANOWRIMO it is time for Camp NANOWRIOMO! I can see it now you just hung your head and thought to yourself that those callouses you built up on your fingertips have finally started to soften and now this is tossed on to your plate.

Fear not good writer! You have friends that will be dawning the incredible task of setting a goal and hopefully meeting it. Whether that goal is 50,000 words or to finish editing apiece you’re working on. Do not over look this contest that could help motivate you to finish or even start that masterpiece that has been rolling around in your head (yes I’m pointing at you Neil, I want more of that sci-fi tale you shared).

So join Rookie Writers Club and try something new for 2015. Remember it is not about whether you finish or not. This contest is about having fun.

See you on the other side of the page.


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